Thursday, October 8, 2015

I see you.  Three words…seven letters have the energy to radically transform life.  We don’t even have to utter the words; we only have to act upon them.

At times, we may walk through life blissfully unaware of the people around us.  Co-workers, friends, family, strangers all pass in a blur.  At other times, we may avoid eye contact, contort our bodies to avoid touch, or mumble meaningless words instead of responding.  We may find our self moving throughout the day not connecting as we just try to push through.

When we are seen or someone really sees us, everything is altered.  Perhaps the words or actions of another snap us back into the moment.  We may find ourselves engaging in full body listening by using all of our senses.  We peer past the mundane and see the glint of the extraordinary echoing off the ordinary.

Within this echo of the extraordinary, others become real.  No longer the stranger, s/he becomes a member of our community.  It is no longer possible to ignore the other for we have invested even a moment of our time, our love, and our compassion in the other.  The other matters.

“I see you” forges the links of connection.  It raises the other out of the anonymous haze of the ordinary.  When you or the other is seen, the spark at your core touches the spark of the other’s core. Compassionate connection is ignited. Both are energized with this connection of knowing.

“I see you,” reminds us that we do not exist in independent isolation.  We, in these moments of awareness, realize that we are connected in loving, generous interdependence.

I see you…three words, seven letters propel us down the path of compassionate presence and compassionate connection leading us into a radical transformation in which each person matters.

Seeing you because you matter


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