Thursday, September 4, 2014

Donning the Mantle of Intent

image courtesy of bulldogza/
Waking up in the morning I shake off the residue of sleep and feel the last remnants of my dreams slip from my conscious mind. This morning I chuckled as the song “Happy” danced through my head. What a great way to start the morning I thought to myself.  And, the dancing music was a most welcome harbinger for the day.

In those first moments of waking, I become aware of me in the present moment.  As I linger in the land between here and there, my breathing becomes the bridge upon which I travel from sleep to wakeful awareness. With each breath I let go of a bit more of my ethereal nighttime world and ground myself into the present, physical reality.

As my thoughts turn to the day ahead, I decide upon the intent that will be my fellow sojourner this day.  My intent is the mantle of being/doing that I throw across my metaphoric shoulders. Lately this mantle has been one of the healer. It is dusted with the iridescent compassion sparkleys that twinkle against the midnight dark silence of my quiet mind. As each star twinkles, so grows my intent to be a healing presence. And, as this intent grows it spills out into my actions. Through intent and action I navigate my world.

During this navigation I may find the gentle tone needed to soothe a harried traveler or a kind gesture that shifts the tone of another’s day. My words may shift another’s perspective or a simple action may right that person’s world. My words, actions, and thoughts can be healing to me as well. My goal is to be a part of bringing myself, others, and the world to wholeness through my thoughts, words, and actions.

Healing — each of us can and do provide loving, healing grace through our words, our thoughts, gentle gazes, and through each compassionate act. Every moment of every day provides opportunities for us to be conduits of great healing or hurt. It is all a choice. We choose to be healers or destroyers. This choice begins when we wake in the morning and decide what mantle to don.

What is your mantle of intent?


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