Tuesday, June 6, 2023

Being Your Own Crystal Ball

Do you ever want to grab a crystal ball and peer deeply into it to discover the future? To choose without a doubt the best decision to make in this moment? To know what is going to happen and ensure that you have smooth sailing? Me, too. But, life is just too fluid to know with certainty what the future will hold. 

What if I told you that you are your own crystal ball? Maybe you cannot peer into the future and see with certainty what will happen, but you can access your inner wisdom in the present moment to make choices that will impact your future self. Another name for that inner wisdom is intuition. 

Everyone is intuitive. In fact, being intuitive is as natural as breathing. Sometimes our intuition is a quiet whisper that we cannot hear. Sometimes it feels like intuition is hiding behind a great wall. Then there are the times we don’t recognize the voice of intuition as it speaks through our senses. 

First, we need to be aware of how our intuition is gaining our attention. Next we let go of the obstacles that prevent us from understanding our intuition. The final step is responding to our intuition. Moving through these steps may feel like an insurmountable task until it isn’t. I’ll say it a bit differently — accessing our intuition is hard until it isn’t. Like any skill, practice makes connecting to our intuition simpler. Practice doesn’t make perfect; it makes permanent.

Listening to your intuition is about recognizing the ways it knocks on the doors of your consciousness whispering, “Hey! I am here. Listen to me with all your senses.” It is about paying attention to how it shows up in signs, symbols, metaphors — even the words of another can be your intuition speaking. 

Being intuitive is paying attention to catch the nudge and then reflecting upon what you are given. Accessing intuition is like learning a new language and translating it in ways that make sense to you. Your intuitive awareness is as unique as you are. You build the vocabulary of intuition as you learn.

Sounds difficult? Not really. Mostly intuition is about being aware — being in the moment and attending to what is happen. Intuition asks us to be courageous. Don’t fear that you will miss a nudge. Don’t fear that you will interpret it wrong. The nudge will come back louder and louder until you recognize it. 

Try this: For the next several days, notice what is showing up in your life. It could be an animal, bird, plant, numbers, the same topic in conversations; a color — anything that says, “Hey, pay attention! Intuition incoming!” 

Noticing is the first step to understanding and responding to your intuition.

Vanessa Hurst
is the author of As Natural As Breathing: Being Intuitive. As an intuitive catalyst, she guides individuals in recognizing and responding to their intuition. 

Curious?Schedule an intuitive conversation

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