Tuesday, July 27, 2021

I am my dream

that is all the hope I need

As I edge closer to a milestone birthday, I find myself returning to the dreams of my younger self. Wondering why they didn’t quite manifest. How I went in a totally different direction of where I thought I’d be. Sometimes comparing where you are now with those dreams from time past can be difficult if not downright depressing. If I am not careful, I can get stuck in the if-only doldrums. 

Then I remind myself that there are no guarantees, and life is not a static line from here to there. It is a sobering thought to realized that any of those dreams could have been attained only to have a kink occur in my lifeline. The dream could have imploded as my life was jerked off course into another path. My motto has become when dreaming, expect the unexpected.

Then I thought, “what if I am my dream?” Instead of taking a micro-view of my life — saying if this, then that — what if I took a macro-view? That is seeing my hopes and dreams not as the goal, but as guides to living with soul purpose. With this stance, I can live firmly in the moment where every thought, action, and words creates the dream that is me. 

If I truly believe this, then there are no wrong decisions, no wrong steps. Everything that I do — that you do — is a manifestation of the dream. We live that dream even when we cannot connect our thoughts, words, and actions to the dream. I see it like this: even when the night is so dark or the sun too bright to see clearly into our core, we can act from our core. When we act from that core, we are our dream.

Do you feel a sense of relief at not having to decide upon THE dream or fearing each step you take will lead you further and further away from the dream? I know that I do. So, let’s reframe the dream:  when I am the dream, everything that I do, all that I am, is a reflection of the me at my core. It really is that simple. Kinda.

Now I am not saying that you, or me, that we cannot have hopes or long term goals. No, those are important. What I am saying that we, step-by-step, create this wondrous life wherever, whatever, and however we find ourself. We create this not in a planning session, but in each moment we choose to be true to ourself.

Maybe as I edge ever closer to this milestone year, I am finally accepting that I am the dream. No matter where I have found myself or will find myself on this journey, I will always be my dream. This dream has nothing to do with external accomplishments and everything to do with the beauty that sparks from the center of my being. 

I am my dream...and that is all I need. HBU?

Vanessa F. Hurst, ms, is an intuitive-coach-catalyst. As a contemplative coach, she uses mindfulness practices and intuition tools to create strategies for navigating those scary places. The result? Creating a blue print for your life through a deeper connection to your intuition. She is a professional speaker & author who weaves inner wisdom into all she touches. Her books are available @ www.wildefyrpress.com. Her most recent book, As Natural As Breathing: Being Intuitive, is available on Amazon. Contact Vanessa for life coaching, intuitive consultations, keynotes, and programs.

Website / LinkedIn Profile / Facebook / @fyrserpent / ©2021

Tuesday, July 20, 2021

Through the Veil into Your Truth

Slip into the veil. The between place where the magic of transformation occurs. Slip into the veil where dreams are made real. Slip into the veil where you find your truth.

Many spiritual traditions speak of this in-between place. In the liminal, our awareness shifts. We see, we experience the world differently. Things are brighter, more poignant. That more is our intuition. When we listen intently with all of our senses, we hear the voice of our intuition guiding us to our truth.

To seek this in-between place is to commit to change. To believe in magic. To live in mystery. To let go. To free fall into the moment trusting that the answers that you seek are within reach. Did I mention one little thing? Oh, yeah, you have to have the courage to take those running steps that end in a leap into the unknown. 

Once you take that leap and slip through the thin opening, I believe you will find a certain familiarity — a trust that while you may not be home — you are exactly where you need to be. Enter the veil enough and you will discover the home of your heart.

Maybe you are wondering what you will find when you slip through that thin slot. Entering the veil, you begin the journey to the center of your being. At the core you become one with the flickering spark that connects you to those liminal spaces.

I began my journeying into the veil accidentally through meditation. Breathing into the rhythm of my being, I visualized my breath flowing through my being. Traveling on the breath’s flow, I found my sacred spark. What is this spark? A place of multiple portals, a connector to this moment and to liminal spaces beyond. The spark is home to my truth. A place where I embrace who I am.  But, I am getting ahead of myself.

I rested in the spark. Took a look around. Asked it to light the way of the next steps. This way into the liminal works best if you have a question. Then I continued to breath into the spark to the rhythm of my inhale and exhale. And, I listen to the whispered message.

Sometimes I would be invited through the veil to explore. Other times my being was soothed by the iridescence in the spark. No matter where I found myself in the liminal, I returned feeling peacefully energized. And, upon each return, I saw the world differently. I realized in those moments I did not go through the veil, the veil went through me. 

Let’s return to the spark and the invitation of the liminal. I heard the voice of the liminal with all my senses. I entered it. Allowed it to enter me. Listened to the message. Deciphered it. Then holding my knowing gently, I returned better for the experience. 

The veil, the liminal space, a place of transformation. Do you have the hope, the trust, the courage to make the round trip journey? To discover your truth and bring it back? When you do, you, and the world, will be made better because of it. 


Vanessa F. Hurst, ms, is an intuitive-coach-catalyst. As a contemplative coach, she uses mindfulness practices and intuition tools to create strategies for navigating those scary places. The result? Creating a blue print for your life through a deeper connection to your intuition. She is a professional speaker & author who weaves inner wisdom into all she touches. Her books are available @ www.wildefyrpress.com. Her most recent book, As Natural As Breathing: Being Intuitive, is available on Amazon. Contact Vanessa for life coaching, intuitive consultations, keynotes, and programs.

Website / LinkedIn Profile / Facebook / Twitter: @fyrserpent / ©2021/

Tuesday, July 13, 2021

dancing from my soul

Something is opening…dancing from my soul. Can you feel it,  too?

Quiet expectation. That is how I describe that feeling. My life is opening. I can feel the rhythm of my soul feet moving.  Have you ever felt that? Or, maybe you yearn for a melody to pick you up and twirl you around. Perhaps you sense that something is just beyond the horizon. It’s coming. Or maybe you are heading toward it. No matter the movement, this change is coming nearer and nearer. You just cannot gain clarity about it!

So, I have had changes in the last couple of months. But, they have not been THE change that dances in the margins of my consciousness. I have this feeling of dis-ease. An itch just below the surface of my being that I just cannot reach to scratch. I just cannot figure out if this illusive feeling is good or bad. Maybe that is it. I need to be nonattached enough to realize that it is neither. 

Nonattached. What if we acknowledged that whatever is just beyond the horizon is another opportunity to live within the pockets of possibility without any expectations? Because, really, isn’t that what life is? When we are aware, we awaken to life’s offerings. With that knowing, we can not only see the pockets of possibility, we can actively incorporate them into our path. Some may say those pockets are luck-filled; I think they are filled with the magic of discovery. 

So what do you do in those pockets of possibility? Well, begin with getting quiet, embracing peace, being open to whatever percolates from the pocket. Don’t get caught in the emotions that are triggered. We can call these feelings good  call them bad — but defining them only brings your further into their grasp. While we want to experience the emotion, we most definitely do not want to get trapped by it!

These last few months — if we are honest, all of our life — calls us to experience life without become attached to it. What is attachment? The best way that I can describe it, is to be objective. Don’t cling to what you find; don’t shove it away. Be in each moment in order to experience the moment knowing if you hold too tightly or shove too hard, you lose the magic in the moment. 

Non-attachment invites us into a gentle conversation with the moment. Through this dialogue we hear the message. Learn from the message. Understand the message. Lastly, and perhaps the most difficult act, is to move on to the next moment. Because each moment has a message for us. If we cling to one (or push it away), we miss the potential message in the next and the next and the next.

As I write this I am not sure that any of this makes any sense. But, what I do know is that something is coming. That something is always coming. As we move on with purpose, taking each step on this path of who we are, we know that whatever we find brings us closer to an understanding of, well, who we are. Whatever we find is opportunity to resonate with our true self.  We connect to that spark as it bursts forth from our center and shines light on the path from here to there. 

Vanessa F. Hurst, ms, is an intuitive-coach-catalyst. As a contemplative coach, she uses mindfulness practices and intuition tools to create strategies for navigating those scary places. The result? Creating a blue print for your life through a deeper connection to your intuition. She is a professional speaker & author who weaves inner wisdom into all she touches. Her books are available @ www.wildefyrpress.com. Her most recent book, As Natural As Breathing: Being Intuitive, is available on Amazon. Contact Vanessa for life coaching, intuitive consultations, keynotes, and programs.

Website / LinkedIn Profile / Facebook / Twitter: @fyrserpent / ©2021

Tuesday, July 6, 2021

Free to Be Me…& You

Freedom is birthed from the courage to show  up as yourself no matter what.

Freedom: the ability to choose how you live. Let’s go deeper. Being free reminds me of the Buddhist vow to take life as it is. What does that mean? 

Let’s begin with the first two vows that it grows out of. The first is to cause no harm and the second is to alleviate suffering. I am paraphrasing these vows and have modified them a bit to fit into my experience. This modification is part of my expression of freedom!

Choosing to take life as it is can be simple at times. When life is even, response happens intuitively. At other times, taking life as it is can be scary and seemingly impossible. Taking life as it is means that you find hope and act courageously no matter what life present. 

I think it is safe to say that we’ve all had those moments where we’ve planned only for life to shift. In those moments we  hear Sacred laughter nudging us into acknowledging the turn our life has taken. Sure we can get angry,. But, there is another way — we can find a way through the tangle back home to our self.

So, what does it take to be free, to choose how you will live not matter what life presents? The biggie is courage. You’ve got to be brave enough to acknowledge your fear and decide how you are going to move through that fear into the next moments.  Without courage, you may find yourself spinning in the fear-mud ultimately becoming more and more entrenched. Courage propels us out of that mud and into our truth. 

Courage asks us to really experience all aspects of our life. To dance in the storm, smile at the gentle caress of the breeze, breathe in the sweet nectar of possibility. When we feel we cannot go on, courage uses the stored energy of those moment to power us through those storms.

When we choose courage,  we do not batten the hatches and merely ride out the storm. No, courage propels us into the wild frenzy of the storm. In fact, we courageously become the storm — the pelting rain, the crashing thunder, the blinding lightning, the whipping wind. In this becoming we experience the message inherent in those stormy moments that we would rather ignore.

Courage is meticulous. It sifts through the messages within life as it is to glean their power. It asks us to reframe what we find by asking, “How can I live into each moment even when I am not particularly pleased with its evolution?” And, courage chuckles in the face of adversity knowing it is just another test to bring us more deeply into the freedom that flows from our core. 

Freedom, for me, isn’t about being given lemons and making lemonade. No, freedom is about relishing the tartness of the lemons and finding a way to live in the grace of that moment. Freedom comes when we appreciate the gifts in our life and live from that appreciation.

So, freedom invites me to live in the messiness of life knowing that I get to courageously decide how I approach each  moment. Freedom reminds me that life is to be lived and that joy exists in each breath I take. 

Vanessa F. Hurst, ms, is an intuitive-coach-catalyst. As a contemplative coach, she uses mindfulness practices and intuition tools to create strategies for navigating those scary places. The result? Creating a blue print for your life through a deeper connection to your intuition. She is a professional speaker & author who weaves inner wisdom into all she touches. Her books are available @ www.wildefyrpress.com. Her most recent book, As Natural As Breathing: Being Intuitive, is available on Amazon. Contact Vanessa for life coaching, intuitive consultations, keynotes, and programs.

Website / LinkedIn Profile / Facebook / Twitter: @fyrserpent / ©2021/