Tuesday, February 5, 2019

Mud & The Power of Reframe

The bitter cold turned warm. I danced with joy. Hurrying to  the mailbox, I slid on the slippery mud of newly thawed earth. Managing not to fall, I quickly reframed: the weather was great; I wasn’t wearing my winter coat and my sweater prevented the 30 something breeze from raising goosebumps. 

Of late Nature is determined to share some rapid mood swings. The weather changes so fast that I fear whiplash. No matter what Nature brings, It is offering us opportunities to enjoy the changes of beauty and be grateful for what we have and who we are. 

Being self employed, a class or two cancelled because of inclement weather can cause all sorts of worry. Instead of fretting and being tangled in worry, my unexpected time off last week became an opportunity for quiet breathing and reflection. I even celebrated near the end of the afternoon — cars, cleaned of ice and snow, started in 8 degree weather. Win!

The power of reframe happened on that cold, snowy day. Reframing is impossible without a deep trust and faith in the way that life unfolds. Now, this isn’t a blind trust or a deaf faith. No, both are facets of a proactive way of engaging the world. When I trust, when I have faith, I proactively seek opportunities to live fully.

Trust and faith call me to live in mindful awareness. To set my intent and listen. To have courage to really hear the message in my challenges. To meet those challenges with curious daring. I may be intuitive, but I cannot guarantee how my story will end — I might be able to anticipate a chapter or two, but never the ending.  I reframe by listening to my intuition in order to find message and meaning in my life.

Intuition is a powerful thing. When I listen and respond to the morsels of wisdom dropped upon my path, intuition becomes a transformational guide. Each morsel gathered has the potential to broker a meeting of fear and self-compassion. What I hear is not always easy to accept. My wisdom may spike all sorts of fear. But, self compassion cools my angst and helps me to fully listen to the message of my intuition. 

When I trust myself and have faith in my ability to navigate whatever challenge I am experiencing, I can hear what the bitter cold of my fear is saying and how it is preventing me from responding. I can be confident that I can weather each swing from fear-despair to courageous-trust when I listen to my intuition. It leads me through any slipper mud that I encounter.

So, maybe, just maybe, Nature is saying to me, “I am a reflection of the inner turmoil that you feel. Return to your calm belief and quiet confidence. Only then will you be able to enter the vast expanse of your inner self and listen to the voice of your intuition.”

Wishing you calm belief and quiet confidence while navigating the slippery mud in your life. 

Vanessa F. Hurst, ms, is a life coach using the Neural Synchrony™ process, professional speaker, and author who weaves her inner wisdom into all she touches. Her books are Imperfect in an Uncertain World, A Constellation of Connections: Contemplative Relationships, and Engaging Compassion Through Intent & Action. Vanessa intuitively assists clients in navigating their life paths. Contact Vanessa @ vanessa@intentandaction.com for keynotes, programs, and consultations. 

Twitter: @fyrserpent / ©2019

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