Tuesday, November 13, 2018

Compassion & the Journey with Imperfection

There is a calm settling into the world. It is an eager anticipation, a welcoming of who we really are and a diminishing of who we struggle not to be. In the calm, all sorts of stuff floats to the top of our awareness. Some of it we celebrate it — that which truly reflects who we are. Other debris we grimace thinking, “how could that have come from us?”

In the flotsam we recognize the treasures and debris of our journey. Through the calm, we identify how we do not always show our best self. We own the hurt that we have caused and grieve the resulting suffering. Even as we acknowledge that being hurtful, causing suffering, is not who we are, we may never have the curious daring to address the hurt directly. 

But we have the courage to build upon our treasures as we vow to change the way we react to the world. We shift our words, actions, and even thoughts to better reflect who we are. We are determined to become a truer image of our best self. In doing so, we clear the flotsam of hurt and suffering from our life and the lives of others. 

Maybe you are thinking, I don’t want to go through the flotsam field of hurt and suffering. Our passage though it is inevitable on this journey we call life. While we have epiphany moments in which we touch our true self and are enlightened, most of the time we spend meeting our challenges, learning our life lessons, and being the best person we can be in that moment. It is inevitable that we lose awareness and create flotsam.

Our authentic intent to be a emissary of compassion is all that is required on the journey thorough flotsam. That intent is enough to lead us through the debris to our true self. This does not mean that we can stop acknowledging when we have caused suffering in our self or another. We cannot stop acknowledging our imperfections. We must find ways to minimize their impact and the resulting suffering. 

So, we accept responsibility for our actions, words, and thoughts. We no longer blame others for who we are. We own our authenticity and our imperfections. In fact, our imperfections serve as springboards into the next compassionate step on the journey. And, that step, when taken, brings us to a balance point. 

The balance point offers a panoramic view of how our actions, reactions, and responses impact our self and those around us. Once in balance, we better recognize when we move out of alignment and into a place of suffering. With awareness we take strides to move back into balance. With this awareness comes the trust that we hear the voice of our inner wisdom and respond with it. We are an authentic presence of compassion in the world.  

Vanessa F. Hurst, ms, is a Neural Synchrony™ facilitator, professional speaker, and author who weaves her inner wisdom into all she touches. Her books are A Constellation of Connections: Contemplative Relationships and Engaging Compassion Through Intent & Action. Vanessa assists clients in navigating their life paths with intuition. Contact Vanessa @ vanessa@intentandaction.com for keynotes, programs, and consultations.

Twitter: @fyrserpent / ©2018

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