Tuesday, January 2, 2018

Live Large in 2018: Detangle Illusion

January…a time for living out those resolutions. Did you know that about 8% of people actually keep their New Year’s resolutions? The other 92% of us are most likely unaware of what is stopping us from being our best authentic self. What if we could flip those numbers? What is there was a way for 92% of us to be resolution stable? The way to successfully be resolution actualized lies on the journey to being our authentic self. 

The first days of each year have become a time for beginnings— new year, new way. But, what if instead of focusing on becoming a newer, better version of our self, we turn our attention to those things that have us in a stranglehold — those things that stop us from being who we truly are? We often allow the illusions inherent in our dreams, our relationships, our work to define us instead of allowing our dreams, relationships, and life work (which may have nothing to do with what pays our bills) to flow from our authentic core.

Instead of getting tangled in our illusions, what if we hold life like water in the palm of our hand? With each drip drop loss of illusion our life has room for who we truly are. What our authentic self needs flows into the nooks and crannies vacated by our illusions. These needs power of our authentic self. Change becomes less about resolutions and everything about what we truly need to be who we are in the ground of our being. 

January 2018 — Let’s make this a time of taking stock. Let’s identify what is life giving and what is illusion enabling. Let’s admit the fears that stop us from letting go. Let’s identify what tangles us in knots. Let’s intentionally begin to detangle our self. Let’s accept that there is no defeat in acknowledging the illusions that have fueled our life. This is the time to admit how we have never really grown into our full potential and to identify what is prohibiting our growth. Instead of a January filled with resolutions that 92% never realize, it becomes a month of purging what is stops us from living our soul purpose as we lay the foundation of living authentically.

Your challenge? Name one aspect of your life that is not working. Name what is stopping you from being your best, highest self. Identify how is it stopping you. Name one thing can you do in this moment to detangle the knots that this nonworking element in your life has created. This will expand your life so you can fill it with what contributes to your most authentic being. 

Let go of your resolutions and embrace the person that radiates from the core of your authentic being. I am ready…are you? 

Vanessa F. Hurst, ms, is a Mindful Coach, Neural Synchrony™ facilitator, Professional Speaker, and Author who weaves her inner wisdom into all she touches. Vanessa offers Neural Synchrony™ sessions to assist clients in navigating their life paths with intuition. Her books are A Constellation of Connections: Contemplative Relationships and Engaging Compassion Through Intent & Action. Contact Vanessa @ vanessa@intentandaction.com for keynotes, programs, and consultations. 

 Twitter: @fyrserpent / ©2018

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