I woke up to the world dancing with beauty. Before my eyes beauty stumbled as sorrow cut into the dance. But, beauty was not long without a partner. The melody of joy twined with the broken pieces of beauty. As joy and beauty danced, they wove a peace that no winds of discord could tear. This beauty renewed was woven with vulnerability and honesty.
This Fall I took on a part time gig that continues to teach me a lot about external and internal beauty. We create so much armor to get us through the day. Maybe it is the armor of attitude. Perhaps it is carefully chosen clothing and meticulously applied cosmetics.This armor is any way that we project an illusion that hides our true self from the world. Whatever it is, this armor is the face, authentic and illusory, that we share with the world.
I’ve noticed that there is nothing magical about this armor; really, it is just a facade. It is a shell we create to protect who we truly are from cruelty in the world. If you look closely enough, that armor has a chink, a thin place. Shining from that thin place, is the authentic yet hidden self we are fearful to show. But, no one can truly hide behind the facade of illusion. When we look closely with our entire being, we see beyond the armor and into the grace and the wounds of the other.
We are not the beauty of this external armor. We are the beauty built upon our imperfections — those parts of us that make us real. It is our authentic self that softens the wrinkles and the scars. We recognize that whatever supposed external flaws we have do not define us. In fact, those things we view as imperfections are part of our life journey.
As a beauty advisor, I help people create their external armor, but that is not what I am really about. While I may help choose the best moisturizer or the most appealing eye shadow, I look beyond the physical and really see the person I am assisting. For me, this beauty consulting gig is less about finding the best colors or the best skin care. It is all about helping another peer past their armor and into the true beauty of their authentic self.
Wishing you eyes to see into your armor's chink.
Vanessa F. Hurst, ms, is a Mindful Coach, Compassion Consultant, Professional Speaker, and Author who weaves her inner wisdom into all she touches. Vanessa offers Neural Synchrony™ sessions to assist clients in navigating their life paths with intuition. Her books are A Constellation of Connections: Contemplative Relationships and Engaging Compassion Through Intent & Action. Contact Vanessa @ for keynotes, programs, and consultations.
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