Tuesday, November 22, 2016

A Brave New World

I’ve had a reality check. You know, one of those hair sizzling jolts that shakes us in the ground of our being. Collectively and individually we have been shocked; we are awake with a new awareness. Eyes open, this new view is not an easy one for me to see.

But, within me is a growing awareness that we have a choice. We can choose to continue the path of divisiveness and be paralyzed by fear or we can choose a new way, a brave way of navigating our reality. I see possibility seeping through the cracks and crevices of this new reality. It encourages us to live courageously, daringly, and curiously.

How we live from those possibilities frame our new world. We are called not to be lights that banish the dark — cockroaches scatter in the light but do not leave. Our bright being is called to be a spotlight on what must be changed. The courageous choices that we make in this moment and the coming moments will frame this brave new world.

As you may be aware, I often engage those I do not know and enter into relationships, no matter how brief, with intimate strangers. Part of my outreach is due to the amount of time I spend alone working from home. In reaching out to others, I appease my yearning to connect in community. But, I also feel the yearning of others to connect and see their relief when someone actually sees them.

Our world is not mundane; it is tinged with extraordinary. I cannot not respond to the vibrant beauty that surrounds me.  Within my brave new world fragile connections strengthen through simple engagement. Looking at another, smiling, complimenting someone on an article of clothing or a hairstyle, opening a door — each simple act sends the message, “You are not alone. You are community.”

You. Are. Community. These three words are not verbally spoken but uttered through our actions. It is simpler to fashion this brave new world through our interactions with strangers. No history, no baggage — just alleviating suffering through fleeting contacts. While this is an important beginning, we must not stop there.

How do we strengthen the fragile and, at times, broken connections to our closest companions? When we are hurt by someone we love, feelings of betrayal often prevent us from repairing the shredded connections. We can reach out and reconnect. Through RI2 — reflection, introspection, integration — new ways of being in relationships are fashioned.

Reflection: begin by breathing, focusing your attention on the moment. Bring the person, people, or situation into your mind’s eye. Engage in full body listening as you gain information through all five of your senses. While gathering information, do not justify, defend, or judge what you are noticing. Instead, notice with clarity, how you are responding or reacting to what is triggering your thoughts, words, and actions.

During reflection you may discover that what you though was anger is instead a deep hurt or a not yet named fear. Even though you may be grabbed by these emotions, you remain objective. You do not act upon what you are gathering. Listen to what our body, mind, spirit, and heart are telling you.

Introspection: information gathered during reflection is used during the next stage. During introspection seek to understand what lies at the root of your reactions and hurts. You may discover a pattern of reaction or realize what truly lies at the root of your behavior. This understanding has the potential to shift how we relate to another. (This information is for you alone. It need not be shared.)

The second aspect of introspection is to honestly ask what you want and need from the relationship. Seek ways to shift the connection and in doing so, strengthen it. Note: this may result in a shift from very close friendship to an acquaintance or from a co-worker to a good friend. Through RI2 our relationships are dynamic, flexible, and evolving.  These shifts are endless and involve connecting more intimately and responding compassionately.

Integration: Finally, during introspection, we create a plan of connection. This plan is carried out in integration. Note: you will probably have to tweak this plan several times.

My brave new world is filled with unimaginable beauty and the devastation created by our humanness. There is no sure way of navigating through connections with any relationship be it with the intimate stranger or a lifelong partner. Life is challenges and life lessons. With RI2 we can compassionately navigate into our brave new world. We can live within the extraordinary in daring, curious, and courageous ways.

Creating a brave new world with curious daring and courage,


Vanessa F. Hurst is Compassion Officer at Intent & Action.  She is a Mindful Coach, Compassion Consultant, Professional Speaker, and Author who interweaves her inner wisdom in all she touches. Contact Vanessa

More from Vanessa: www.intentandaction.com

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