Thursday, January 21, 2016

Compassion: The Peace Warrior's Way

Peace…we all yearn for it…inner peace, peace in relationship, world peace.  If we start with the hypothesis that compassion is the root of peace, how can compassion impel us to be warriors of peace?  The answer to this question is found, I believe, in the seeds we plant in the ground of our being.  These seeds contain the energy of the words of Gandhi, “be the change we wish to see in the world.” We choose our seeds with both our intent and action.

As we choose our seeds, we do not ignore the hard truths or the cruelty in the world.  In fact, the essences of these realities may serve as compost to nurture a compassionate response.  With awareness we are called to alleviate all suffering — not just the most convenient or those moments of suffering and those who suffer we deem the most deserving.  We, as peace warriors, agree to be compassionate presence whenever, wherever, and to whomever needs the light of compassion.

Being a warrior of peace invites us to be a compassion responder.  Living in the present moment, we choose to respond with love and gentleness instead of reacting to fear.  We rise above the mundane and actively search for the extraordinary only found in common ground.

Compassion calls warriors of peace to live fully and deeply in community while realizing that all in our life begins with the self.  Our acts of self compassion form the foundation of the stance of a warrior of peace.  Warriors of peace join together to form the base of peace-filled presence in a group.  When these groups join together, they bring the energy of peace into the community.  Communities of peace, linked, trigger societal change.  Transformed societies link to one another bringing global change.

Never underestimate the power of one compassionate act to bring peace to the world.

Looking forward with peace, Vanessa

Vanessa is a Community Builder, Intuitive Healer, and Compassionista Author of Engaging Compassion Through Intent & Action

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