Thursday, July 16, 2015

An Anonymous Sharing of Compassion

Look deeply the eyes of another or deeply into a mirror image of your eyes.  What do you see?  Compassion, love, laughter, joy — the eyes sparkle with these feelings. The eyes are the windows to our souls, they reflect of what lies in the very core of our being. Through our eyes flows the light of the Sacred. This iridescent shimmer of grace reaches out to mingle and weave with the divine shining from the souls of others.

Over time I have become aware of the light flowing from the eyes of others.  The joy, love, and compassion reaches out to gently caressed my wounded soul.  On more than one occasion, I saw the other shift perceptibly as s/he met my gaze.  A voice whispered, “they see the same in you — the joy, the love, the compassion.”  Those were moments of profound connection; we acknowledged each another as sojourners in this earthly life.

These exchanges remind me of beaming, an energy technique. The intent of beaming is to share healing grace with another.

To beam, allow your eyes to soften and relax you body.  With each breath release tension and envision your being filling with joy, compassion, and love — the components of healing grace.  Envision your gaze being like the gentle touch of a mother as she lovingly hugs her child. When you are feeling warm and full of love and light and joy, train your gaze on another.  Surround the other in a delicate energy embrace.  Allow your love and compassion to flow through and out of your eyes.  You don’t need to say a word.  After several moments or when you feel the time is right to release your visual hug, look away and release your energetic connection.

Beaming is a means of sharing grace with the others; a way of showing respect; an avenue to providing loving support.  Beaming invites the other, friend or stranger, into your circle if but for a brief moment in time. Beaming is a silent Namaste in which you honor the other.

Wishing you the pleasure of anonymous compassion!


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