Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Seven Guides for a Compassionate Life

In my book, Engaging Compassion Through Intent and Action, I share the importance I place on the Seven Gifts of the Spirit:

Once we learn about the gifts and our actions begin to reflect them, we are better able to discern whether our intent is sincere and actions are compassionate.  Not all of our intent is pure or our actions helpful. Through the seven gifts, we gain a contemplative perspective, which may be different than our current one.  When the two perspectives and the resulting actions differ, we have a choice: we can continue the hurtful behavior or we can trust the Spirit to guide us to a place of compassionate response.  As we make this choice, we may be guided by one gift in particular or several gifts at the same time.  It is through contemplation that we intuitively know which gifts we are called to use and how we can optimally incorporate the gifts into our lives.  (p. 78)

The Gifts of the Spirit are knowledge, understanding, wisdom, courage, right judgment, reverence, and wonder & awe.  Throughout the day I may question if I am missing a key piece of knowledge that will bring me to greater understanding.  Perhaps I need the courage to manifest my wisdom into right judgment.  When I see beyond the veil of the mundane and peer deeply into the extraordinary, my response is reverent and filled with wonder and awe.  Only when I live in awareness do these gifts invite me to take small steps across of the bridge of my compassionate being.

How are you being invited to cross that bridge?


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