Thursday, June 26, 2014

The Curiously Daring Squirrel

This year our balcony has become a bird sanctuary for finches and other smaller birds. Last week the sanctuary was invaded not by a larger bird but by a furry friend.

I heard the clanging of the wind chimes and out of the corner of my eye saw something furry clinging to them. By the time Sagwa, my cat, and I got to the balcony door, nothing seemed amiss. Then I saw these little hands clinging to the concrete balcony floor. In a flash, the intruder squirrel flipped itself onto the balcony. She scurry over to the fallen birdseed and began to munch. Her nimble hands plucked the vial from the rain gauge. She chewed a bit on the rim, tilted it, and attempted to drink the non-existent water.

That silly squirrel had catapulted off the room and grabbed on to the wind chime in an attempt to swing onto the balcony. She was living with curious daring and courage in her quest for food. In my soon to be published book, Engaging Compassion Through Intent And Action, I write about living with curious daring and courage.

Falling two stories probably wouldn’t have killed the squirrel, but she might have been beat up. Even with the odds, she took the chance to gain the prize…easy food. I reflect on the squirrel’s behavior and think about my own. I weigh my fear against the opportunity when I decide about taking a chance. Often I choose to allow fear to overwhelm me. In those moments, I stay stuck in an endless loop of sameness. I live the definition of insanity: doing the same thing over and over while expecting a different outcome.

When I move through my fear with a willingness to leap across the unknown, I enter the realm of joy-filled expansive living. Maybe I don’t get the hoped for result, but I have left the fear based loop of comfortable, insanity-producing sameness. I venture outside this space into the realm of possibility. Who knows what waits for me through engaged curiosity, courage, and daring.

I remember the squirrel’s actions, and I wonder how much of our life we spend clinging to the old and the broken. Our grip is frozen as we cling to what brings despair but is comfortable. If only we could thaw our grip, we would find the courage to live with daring. As we shift into this place of courageous daring, our curiosity blows away the fear-filled cobwebs of our paralysis. We are free to try different ways until we discover our new way on the path in the moment.

That squirrel reminds me of how I want to be. Taking a chance in the moment because of the possibility of what if. Grasping an opportunity that may transform my life in radical ways.  In those moments that I am like the squirrel I receive nourishment of my body, mind, spirit, and heart. I am whole and open to what life offers.

Embrace your inner squirrel and let me know what your curious daring discover!

Curiously daring, Vanessa

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