Maybe you’ve seen: God is a verb. Compassion is a verb. So, intuition is a verb. Intuition is being and doing. It requires that we are aware and actively
engage our thoughts, words, and actions.
We are asked to be-friend our intuition in those quiet
moments. Through our doing, we enter
into a spectrum of action from the idling of quiet listening to full throttle
response. Most of our intuitive
awareness falls somewhere in the ‘tween.
Intuition often hovers just outside our awareness until the
moment that it zips and zings in ways that catch our attention. Attention caught, we awake to an inner
knowing. This nudge may be a gentle
reminder, a sudden awareness of a missing item’s location, or a prod to connect
with a friend. Through our invitation
comes the invitation to be and do differently.
We are encouraged to respond.
Our response requires a suspension of worries or
disbelief. We are asked to stand
courageously in trust. With curious
daring we enter and explore this extraordinary world that requires altering our
perception. Through our intuition we
reframe and rename our reality. In this
shift of understanding, we touch the extraordinary.
Intuition is a verb.
And, like the acceptance of the active aspects of the Sacred and compassion,
once we accept our intuitive awareness, our lives are filled with the wonder
and awe of possibility.
Wishing you a life of being and doing intuition,
Vanessa Hurst
Vanessa is an Intuitive, Community Builder, and
Compassionista, and Author of Engaging Compassion Through Intent & Action