We are alive today are fortunate people. For centuries upon centuries the path of the mystic has been cleared and walked. The directions to this path are readily available to any one. In this moment, and in the moments that follow, we have only to open our eyes and tenderly look at the world anew. This looking invites us to engage all of our senses.
Each of us can choose to move through the veils of the ordinary, past the mundane and become the mystic in the mi(d)st. Any one can venture down the path of being in the world but not of it. This simply means that while we see the mundane, we choose to live extraordinarily.
How might a mystic encounter the extraordinary in the daily?
- Taking moments to pause, breath, and really be aware of his/her surroundings. The mystic notices what is happening, recognizes gifts and messages, and finds opportunities to celebrate the iridescent beauty inherent in the world.
- Living in hyperawareness, a mystic responds to the world with compassion. S/he may acknowledge that s/he is a bodhisattva, one who vows to alleviate suffering in the world.
- Responding to the world instead of reacting becomes her/his mantra for s/he sees the Sacred in all. S/he responds to the Sacred in every moment of every day.
On this Earth walk many anonymous mystic. They go about their daily lives much like the rest of humanity with one big difference: the mystic is fully aware, fully awake, and fully alive to the extraordinary. Within the extraordinary lays the kernels of the Sacred and the mystic gently nurtures the seeds into fruition. S/he takes each opportunity to enter into relationship with the manifestation of the Sacred.
Just for today, notice where the mystic is in your mi(d)st. How are you being that anonymous mystic in the mi(d)st?
Living anonymously...whenever, wherever possible,